My bridemaids, good friends, and I decided to celebrate one of my last weekends of freedom in Avalon, NJ on the Jersey Shore. Avalon is 20 minutes South of Atlantic City and since my parents have a house there, it seemed like the perfect place to celebrate!

Night #1: The Princeton
Rundown of the Night: Ate crab cakes...made friends with two 50-year-old women...Liz and Becca drank too much wine...danced to 90s music...round of tequila and lime shots...Alli met a 27-year-old...searched the bar for a Yankee cap...home to eat buffalo cheese dip...drank lots of water!

The next morning was rough.

Night #2: Atlantic City
Rundown of the Night: Ate lobster and steamers...Atlantic City...Hunk-a-Mania...Puerto Rican stripper named Jay...a guy loved Becca's nose...gambling at the casino...lost $50 at blackjack.

Bride and Maid of Honor

Yes, I was put in the hot seat on stage. No comment.

Day #3: The Beach.
We enjoyed the sun, sand, surf, and relaxation of the Atlantic.

The Scavenger Hunt...
Alli designed a scavenger hunt for me throughout Avalon and Stone Harbor. I was given a clue of a special memory at the beach and was to go throughout the town searching for little Liz and Jays dolls.
Here's me and my crew.
Of course I found time to run the bases during the scavenger hunt.

Look, I found one outside of Jack's Place.

Here's another one at the arcade.
All of us at Nancy's Fudge, a favorite spot of my childhood.
Doing the Can-Can on the famous Avalon jetty.