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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Congratulations M and M!

As I said in my bridesmaid speech, "Missy and I have been friends for 25 years since we were 4-years-old...You have always been there for me and there is nowhere I would rather be than standing here with you on your wedding day."

Missy and Mark - July 11, 2009

Rehearsal Dinner at the Rockfish Grill.

Aussies and Americans side by side.

The ceremony on the beach at Chesapeake Bay Foundation.

A sparkler send off.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Alli's High School Graduation

Ah yes, my little sister has graduated from Somers High School. I remember when she was a baby, which just shows my age. As we all know, this summer has been a wet one. However, when Pomp and Circumstance began playing and the graduates were walking in, the clouds cleared and the rain stopped. Alli is very excited to be starting at Ithaca college this Fall. Congratulations Class of 2009!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Remodeling Our Kitchen

Those of you who are homeowners know there are always projects to do around the house. Jay and I decided to tackle the project of remodeling our kitchen cabinets and countertops which turned into much more of a feat than we had expected.

We ordered our cabinets through Home Depot which wound up being extremely frustrating and a huge mistake. A couple of their blunders were:
1. Ordering us a base lazy susan cabinet that would not fit through our doorway (Jay along with our contractor had to cut the sheetrock to fit it in the kitchen.)
2. Ordering us an inverted base sink cabinet which we can't have because our water source comes from the floor (Our contractor had to destroy the shelf on the bottom in order to hook up the sink.)
The list goes on and on including an incorrect cabinet, a missing panel, and missing foot molding. Needless to say, I would not recommend them to anyone. The entire process from our first meeting in the store to installation in our kitchen took six months.

All in all, after lots of work and living without a kitchen for over a month, it looks fantastic. Below I've attachment a few pictures from start to finish but you can't get the full picture until you come check it out in person.



AFTER: Cabinets and granite were installed

AFTER: Backsplash was installed. Kitchen is complete!