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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kiss the Blarney Stone

Though it wasn't a planned destination, Jay and I decided to stop by the famous Blarney Castle since we were in the area. This medieval castle, located in Blarney, Ireland dates back to 1446.

This room served as a dining room that hosted huge parties back in the day.

Climbing the stairs to the top was very narrow.

View from the top of the castle.

Waiting in line to kiss the Blarney stone, also known as the Stone of Eloquence. It was built into the top of the castle and according to legend kissing it endows you with "the Gift of the Gab"- great eloquence and flattery.

The act of kissing the stone is not casually achieved: you must climb many steps that are both extremely steep and narrow to get to the top, then hang upside-down on the outer perimeter of the castle wall in order to reach it.

Prior to the installation of safeguards, the kiss was performed with real risk to life and limb, as participants were grasped by the ankles and dangled over a ledge. Luckily now one can grab onto iron rungs while an old man holds onto your legs - much safer. See video below.

A view of the Blarney Stone from below

Surrounding the castle were extensive gardens, pathways, and natural rock formations given fanciful names such as Witch's Cave and Wishing Steps.


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